Being A Mom

(Originally Written 2012)

Long nights, hungry wails, lots of feedings, diaper pails

Careful crawls, off they go! Walking, running, stubbing toes

Silly giggles, hugs and kisses, lots of books, bedtime wishes

Horsey, Wagon, fighting monsters, baby sister, learning letters


“Hey Me First!”  “That is Mine!” “Are we there yet?”  “Is it time?”

“He hurt my feelings!” “It's not fair!”  “Can I run away somewhere?”

Sprinkler fun and plastic pools, sandboxes and Hot Wheels, tools

Naps and quiet times each day, play by yourself while mommy prays


Bloody knees and splinters too, first aid kits and sore boo-boos

Sniffles, throats, coughs, and sneezes; Headaches, bruises, fevers, wheezes

Doctor visits, Dentist cleans, "my eye hurts!" "that kid's mean!"

Daddy games are every night – rolling in boxes, pillow fight!


Stormy nightmares, fears and tears; let me hold you, I’m right here.

Coffee brewing - help me start! Sleepy faces warm my heart.

“I lost my tooth!” “My ear feels funny”; “I can't breathe!” “It hurts my tummy!”

Dr. Seuss, and a House on a Prairie; a Wrinkle in Time, Joseph and Mary


I'm a princess. I'm a ninja. I want a cat, a rabbit, hamster ...

To the Circus! To the Mall! Shop and eat and fashions all!

Free time, "I'm bored!", movies, parks; Legos, baby dolls, minnows and sharks

Disney, State Fairs, Zoos, Retreats; Victory thrills and sore defeats


Mary Poppins and Chitty Bang Bang; Swan Princess and Natty Gann

Playground wars and He’s My Friend; Juice Boxes and Hold My Hand

Awanas, Choir, Show and Tell – VBS, and “What Is Hell?”

Baptisms and sweet saved hearts; Jesus is The Way to Start


No more questions for today – mommy’s ears, they need a break

Digging ditches, making mud, Gone to China, bathtime suds

What are you wearing?  It’s time to scoot!  Get your brother off the roof!

Pogo sticks and jumping rope. Sharing wishes, dreams, and hopes.


Roller coasters, time with cousins; planting gardens, sewing buttons.

Painting rooms, flea market finds; I like your room, do you like mine?

Bake sales, carnivals, another field day; trampolines, gymnastics, outside play

Butterflies and caterpillars; dinosaurs at our museum


Laughter rings, energy buzzing.  We are all about warm, soft, fuzzies.

Puzzles, play house, play store too.  “Now I’m the mommy, who are you?”

Arts and Crafts, sewing, baking ... Are you hurt? Naw, I'm faking

How did THAT happen? I don't know!  Was it your fault? Maybe so ...


Learn to bike ride, learn to skate; learn to swim, learn to wait

Hide and seek, tag, and dirt; Bugs and spiders, tie dye shirts

Drawing, painting, play dough messes. Create, pretend, fancy dresses.

Crayons, scissors, chalk and markers.  Glue and beads and jewelry starters


Do your chores and make your bed! Don't dawdle, watch out! Keep your head.

Set the table, wipe your nose, take a shower, please use soap!

Take your medicine, clean your room, please don't whine, and say thank you!

Say you're sorry one more time, and tell the truth to your own mind.


Chew with your mouth closed, look me in the eye; do as I say and don't ask why!

Sports and clubs and books and school; sign the folder, follow rules

Scooter, skateboards, darts, ping pong. Time for bed!  “I won't be long!”

Mouse Trap, Yahtzee, Checkers, Sorry – cards and chess and I beat daddy!


Show up, be there, practice again - piano, dance, tennis, and band

Hurry, it’s recital time! Lots of pictures, pose and smile!

Drums keep drumming, music plays; Church helps us along the way

Praying hard, Moms in Touch ... Give me strength, Lord, it can be tough


Be kind and patient, don't be rude . . . Share and always follow through.

Braces, glasses, volleyball;  allergies, breakouts . . . Nana called!

To the ER one more time ... fell down stairs, and lost her mind

Mountain cabins, lakes, and skis; building forts and climbing trees.


Birthdays, Christmas, holidays too - every month, there's quite a few

Trick or treat and pilgrims, turkey; Pumpkins, Holly, Santa, Bunny

Hunt for eggs, sing for joy, He is Risen! Candy, toys

Fireworks, and decorations ... Special Days, we love our nation


Get out ornaments, put up the tree; do you know what Santa will bring?

The whole house decked in red and green; gingerbread cookies, a village scene

Homemade gifts for teachers, friends; parties, concerts, cards to send

Wrapping presents, singing carols; reading books, lighting candles


Valentines boxes, paper mache! Carpool, backpacks, what day is today?

It’s snowing! Sleeting!  School is closed – put hot chocolate on the stove!

Make a snowman, get the sleds!  It’s so cold, my feet are lead!

Wet clothes, gloves, boots, and hats; red noses, cheeks, and time to nap!


Beach trips, camping, Boy Scouts, hike. Sleepovers, field trips, libraries, life.

Sunburns, ticks, mosquito bites – boogie boards and water slides

Throwing frisbee, flying kites; get a puppy – don’t you bite!

Go out west to see the sights.  Bears and elk and eagles fly!


Haircuts, pay bills, groom the dog! Make the lunches.  I need a job.

Visit the grandparents, mow the yard, volunteer, send a card

Clean the house, be a friend, throw a party, come on in!

Project due - he can't find his shoes! She needs a dozen macaroons?


He needs new clothes, they're all too small? We bought those last week! You're too tall!

(I'm so tired!  Am I doing okay?  Will I survive four schools per day?)

Best friend moves and she is lonely. Gossip hurts and "I'm the Only!"

Too many people that won't go away, but not enough friends in her life today.

Don’t be sassy, watch your mouth – your attitude is going south!

Turn off the TV, read a book. Don't bother your sister, I've got to cook.

XBox games and Facebook here; Instagram and more, oh dear!

Back to the store, more food is needed!  Cook again – has the yard been weeded?


Laundry piled up, dishes dirty ... Whose turn was it?  Cause it's 10:30!!

No you may not, don't you dare!  And oh, I know, moms just don't care . . .

Wipe your feet, feed the dog; Competitions, reading logs ...

Too many pets, a bird is flying - feed the fish! “But mom, they're dying!”


Tests, exams, AP, and research – do your best, homework first

PTA and raise some funds. Sell some grapefruit, hold your tongue!

Stop your teasing, brush your teeth; daddy please be home this week!

Marching band at the parade – there he is!  Scream and wave!


Driving, going out, curfew. Where have you been?  What did you do?

Girlfriends, boyfriends, proms, and dates. Breakups, heartaches, tears, and hate.

Learning how to let it go. Please be careful, forgive, and grow.

She didn’t mean it.  It isn’t you. To your values please be true.


Getting jobs, turning pages. Babysitting, earning wages.

Flip the burgers, make the fries, sell the books, hang the ties

Study hard, apply yourself! Drama, Chorus, mission trips

Selfies, snapchats, Lord please help!  Put that phone up on a shelf!!


Choose friends wisely, read God's Word. Don't forget what you have learned.

You are artists and musicians - so amazed at your recognition.

Yes, you're beautiful, yes, you're kind; yes, I love you all the time!

No, I still won’t let you go . . . there are things that you don’t know . . .


Congratulations, you've topped the list! Accomplishments, awards, pumped fists!

You did it!  You're amazing and smart!  Go to college?  Oh. My heart.

Searching, applying, visiting, planning.  How to afford it?  We are sweating!

Off you go, but please come back - Degrees and jobs, on the adult track


Packing the car, moving away.  “Mom, you did great, it will be okay!”

Empty table, empty chairs ... grown and flown, gone to where?

Quiet house, quiet rooms - quiet routine, silence looms

Interrupt me, whine, complain!  Take my time, drive me insane!


Play loud music, get in my face, leave your stuff all over the place

Be a bit crazy, invite your friends! I miss it all, I can't pretend.

But you are all that you should be, living from a heart that's free

Loving Jesus every day, wisely obeying Him on the way


All my prayers for you answered well, and I can see that time will tell

That all I miss is still right here ... in my heart, it keeps you near.


For the Glory of the Lord (not the self) in Parenting


Wait on Me