The Long Fall

(Originally Written: 2016)

It always feels like full speed or stop,

rushing onward or suddenly drop.

There’s tons to handle or nothing at all,

it’s all hands on deck or silent freefall

It’s a million things or what to do?

It’s I can’t keep up or let me help you!

Hurry up. Slow down.

Make critical decisions. Don’t make a sound.

Change the world. Read a book.

Solve a crisis. Take a look.

Every day a choice is made, moments are spent,

life is delayed

Don’t know why, don’t know how,

doing the best we can to empower

Ourselves to know what’s best to do,

how to spend our time, how to make it through

We juggle and struggle, the minutes tick by;

we aren’t trying to waste, we want to do right

Climbing the ladders, making ends meet,

searching for meaning, sending a tweet

There’s days that are empty, there’s days that are full, t

here’s days that we wish had not been at all

There’s lessons we learn, there’s lessons we don’t –

we either learn them or we get hurt.

There’s joys and sorrows, there’s fear and there’s hope –

all that we long for is grasping the scope

Of how much we matter and how much we make

a difference around us in these days of late

Sometimes we drift and sometimes we fight;

sometimes we search and sometimes we lose sight

Of dreams and goals and reasons and love …

and why we do what we know is wrong

We look for people to show us the way,

we beg for our friends and family to stay

We don’t want to be lonely, we don’t want to be scared,

but life slams us down and makes us aware

That we aren’t as strong and as smart as we thought

that we were back when we started out right

The path twisted and turned, it broke and it wound

until we were lost and could not be found

The maze of our feelings, the core of our rut,

the way that the achiness hits in our gut

That person we loved that broke us apart;

that friend that we needed that trampled our heart

That job that we wanted that someone else stole,

that time that we thought we could finally feel whole

And we feel like we’re drowning, we can’t find the light –

the things that were precious are out of our sight

We’ve lost where we’re going, we’ve forgotten why –

we’ve turned the wrong way and it’s all just a lie

If there’s an answer it isn’t in me.

  I’ve figured out I haven’t got what it takes to be free.

I’m begging for joy, I’m dying for grace.

Can’t remember the last time a smile hit my face.

Just one person to hear me, just one kind embrace –

  just to be out of this dark angry place.

Is there anyone who could possibly know how I feel?

Is there any way out of this crazy ordeal?

There’s One, someone says, There’s One you can call.

You can trust Him, He’s been there, He’ll stop your long fall.

He loved you so much that He hung on a tree.

He took all your burdens so you could be free.

He’ll never forsake you, He is Perfect Love.

He knows what you need and He comes from above.

He heals those deep wounds that you cannot fix up.

He does what He says and He will not stop

Pursuing you, loving you, making you whole.

Yes. There’s an Answer. It’s a Person. It’s True.

I reached out, I called. And He’s always come through.


The Wall

